Children of the Sea

Children of the Sea (2019), directed by Ayumu Watanabe, is a visually stunning animated film adapted from Daisuke Igarashi’s manga of the same name. The story centers on Ruka, a young girl who feels disconnected from the world around her. After encountering two boys, Umi and Sora, who were raised by dugongs and possess a unique connection to the ocean, her life takes a transformative turn.

Children of the Sea - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast

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Trailer: Play Trailer Songs: Spotify Jio Saavn Saregama Wynk Gaana Book Your Tickets: Not availableAvailable On OTT Platforms: Hotstar Prime Video Sony Liv Mx Player
Movie: Children of the Sea
Genre:Animation, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Director:Ayumu Watanabe
Main Cast:Mana Ashida as Ruka Kengo Kora as Umi Takuya Kimura as Sora Takuya Kimura as Sora
Release Date: June 7, 2019
Banner:Studio 4°C NTV
Music:Not available
Budget:$3 million
Runtime:110 minutes

The film’s narrative unfolds against a backdrop of breathtaking underwater visuals and ethereal landscapes. The animation is mesmerizing, capturing the beauty and mystery of the sea with intricate details that bring both marine life and fantastical elements to life. The fluidity of the animation mirrors the rhythm of the ocean, immersing viewers in Ruka’s emotional journey.

At its core, Children of the Sea explores themes of connection—between people, nature, and the cosmos. Ruka’s relationship with Umi and Sora symbolizes a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things. As they navigate the mysteries of the ocean together, they also confront their personal struggles and existential questions. The film raises poignant issues about the impact of human actions on the environment and emphasizes the importance of preserving the delicate balance of nature.

The soundtrack, composed by Joe Hisaishi, enhances the film’s emotional depth. His music beautifully complements the visuals, evoking a sense of wonder and introspection. Each score resonates with the themes of the film, elevating key moments and adding to the overall atmosphere.

Children of the Sea Movie’s Screenshot

Children of the Sea Movie’s Trailer

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