Barbie, directed by Greta Gerwig, is a colorful and unusual comedy that offers a fresh take on the famous Mattel doll. The film stars Margot Robbie as Barbie and Ryan Gosling as Ken, taking audiences on an unexpected adventure filled with fantasy, humor, and social commentary. It starts in Barbie Land, a perfect world where all Barbies are confident, empowered, and successful, while the Kens play minor roles. However, Barbie’s seemingly perfect life changes when she starts to have doubts and questions about her existence.
Barbie - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Barbie |
Genre: | Fantasy Comedy |
Language: | English |
Director: | Greta Gerwig |
Main Cast: | Margot Robbie (Barbie) - Ryan Gosling (Ken) - Will Ferrell (Gloria’s Dad) - Emma Stone - Michael Cera - Issa Rae - Kate McKinnon |
Release Date: | July 21, 2023 |
Banner: | Warner Bros. Pictures - Mattel Films - Heyday Films - Robbie’s LuckyChap Entertainment |
Music: | Not available |
Budget: | $145 million |
Runtime: | 2 hours |
To find answers, Barbie decides to venture into the real world with Ken, where she encounters the complexities of human life. This real world sharply contrasts with the idealism of Barbie Land, challenging her to rethink her self-worth, identity, and what society expects of her. As she faces the differences between her fantasy world and harsh reality, the film humorously critiques gender roles, consumerism, and the pressures women face.
Barbie combines vibrant visuals with clever writing, creating a blend of silliness and meaningful themes. Gerwig’s direction and Robbie’s performance make the movie both a nostalgic tribute to the doll’s history and a sharp look at modern identity and empowerment. It has become a huge box-office hit, lauded for its creativity and playful humor.