The Flash (2023) is a superhero movie directed by Andy Muschietti that features the DC Comics character, Barry Allen, also known as The Flash, played by Ezra Miller. The film follows Barry as he tries to change the past to save his mother, Nora Allen, from being killed. This choice results in unexpected problems and a broken timeline. The story takes inspiration from the Flashpoint arc in the comics, which greatly affects the entire DC Universe.
The Flash - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The Flash |
Genre: | Superhero Action Adventure |
Language: | English |
Director: | Andy Muschietti |
Main Cast: | Ezra Miller (Barry Allen/The Flash) - Michael Keaton (Bruce Wayne/Batman) - Sasha Calle (Supergirl) - Michael Shannon (General Zod) - Ron Livingston (Henry Allen) |
Release Date: | June 16, 2023 |
Banner: | Warner Bros. Pictures - DC Films - The Disco Factory |
Music: | Not available |
Budget: | $200 million |
Runtime: | 2h 24m |
In The Flash, Barry runs at super speeds to travel through time. When he stops his mother’s murder, he creates a different reality where the Justice League never exists, and the world faces disaster. This new timeline also includes a version of Batman, played by Michael Keaton, who returns from his roles in the 1989 and 1992 films, along with a younger Superman, portrayed by another actor, who is stuck in a Russian facility.
As the timeline becomes chaotic, Barry joins forces with his alternate self and other important characters to restore the reality they have disrupted. The Flash mixes emotional moments, multiverse adventures, and thrilling action, marking a key part of the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). The film explores themes of loss, redemption, and the dangers of tampering with time.