“Oshi no Ko” tells the story of Ai Hoshino, a famous idol, and her loyal fan, Gorou Amamiya, who works as a doctor in a small town. Things take a dark twist when Gorou is unexpectedly reborn as one of Ai’s twin children after a tragic incident. This unusual setup lets the story explore the complicated nature of fame, fans, and the tough realities of the entertainment world.
Oshi no Ko - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Oshi no Ko |
Genre: | Drama, Music, Comedy |
Language: | Japanese |
Director: | Takeshi Konomi, Hideaki Takahashi |
Main Cast: | - Yudai Chiba (Ai Hoshino) - Ayumi Oda (Goro Amemiya) - Rie Kitahara (Akane Kuroishi) - Daichi Kaneko (Koji Kando) |
Release Date: | May 19, 2023 |
Banner: | NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan, Shochiku |
Music: | Not available |
Budget: | $3.7 million USD |
Runtime: | 132 minutes |
As the twins, Aqua and Ruby, grow up, they deal with their mother’s legacy and the difficulties of living under her fame. Aqua is eager to find out the truth about his mother’s past and her sudden death, so he joins the world of acting to make a name for himself. On the other hand, Ruby dreams of becoming an idol like Ai.
The animation features bright character designs and deep emotions, highlighting both the successes and struggles of chasing dreams in a tough industry. The story touches on themes like ambition, love, betrayal, and how celebrity culture affects people’s lives.
“Oshi no Ko” skillfully mixes humor and drama, offering a thoughtful look at the relationships between idols and their fans, making it a unique addition to its genre.