Wonder Woman Movie Cinecorners

“Wonder Woman,” directed by Patty Jenkins, is a significant superhero movie that tells the story of Diana Prince, played by Gal Gadot. Set during World War I, it starts on the beautiful island of Themyscira, home to the Amazons, a group of strong warrior women. Raised by Queen Hippolyta, portrayed by Connie Nielsen, Diana trains in combat and begins to realize her abilities after a pilot named Steve Trevor, played by Chris Pine, crashes on her island and shares news of the terrible war happening outside.

Wonder Woman - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast

Wonder Woman
Trailer: Play Trailer Songs: Spotify Jio Saavn Saregama Wynk Gaana Book Your Tickets: Not availableAvailable On OTT Platforms: Hotstar Prime Video Sony Liv Mx Player
Movie:Wonder Woman
Genre:Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Superhero
Director:Patty Jenkins
Main Cast:Gal Gadot (Diana Prince/Wonder Woman) - Chris Pine (Steve Trevor) - Robin Wright (General Antiope) - Danny Huston (General Erich Ludendorff) - Elena Anaya (Maru/Doctor Poison)
Release Date:June 2, 2017
Banner:DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Pictures, Atlas Entertainment
Music:Not available
Budget:$149 million
Runtime:2h 21m

Believing she can help end the fighting, Diana leaves Themyscira to enter the world of men, where she faces a society filled with violence and prejudice. Her adventure helps her learn about the complexities of humanity while she battles Ares, the god she thinks is causing the war.

The film stands out for its strong female representation both in front of and behind the camera. Its action scenes, especially the famous No Man’s Land moment, highlight Diana’s strength and kindness. “Wonder Woman” was praised for its storytelling, character growth, and visual effects, becoming a cultural hit. It achieved great success at the box office, helping to change the superhero genre and inspiring a new generation of female heroes.

Wonder Woman Movie’s Screenshot

Wonder Woman Movie’s Trailer

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